- The department is searching for two positions in mathematics this year.
- The department hosted a retirement dinner for Leo and Jonelle Comford on November 17th at the Charleston Country Club. A good time was had by all and several retired professors attended. We wish Leo and jonelle the best in their retirement.
- Eastern Illinois U. mathematics students took part in the Putnam exam on December 3rd. We thank them for their participation.
- The department welcomes Ravi Somayajulu to the faculty. Ravi recently obtained his PhD. from The Ohio State University.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
The End of the Term
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Long Time No Write
Jonelle and Leo Comerford retired at the end of the spring semester
Marshall Lassak has been apointed assistant Chair of the department
William Green has accepted a position at Rose-Hulman And we will miss him greatly.
Two faculty members are on a leave of absence and tbe department is doing its best to struggle through.
The department has added some new faculty members but more details on this will follow
I am writing using a tablet since I am out of town at a computer conference and so I mike a lota miztakez
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Professor Baianu Lecture April 20th
Below is a sample of the abstract:
A new look at old, fundamental problems in Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biology will be presented from the point of view of modern Mathematics and Logics focused on complexity, asymmetry and symmetry concepts applied to fundamental problems in Life Sciences and Quantum Physics. The presentation is divided into two unequal parts consistent with the idea of the `duplicity’ of Mathematics when applied to nonlinear, highly complex problems in the real World. The first, concise, part introduces a few, logical and mathematical concepts that are essential to understanding both dynamic complexity and partially disordered structures (quasi-‐crystals, liquid crystals and paracrystals) in physical, chemical and biological systems—especially highly-‐evolved organisms such as Homo-sapiens.
The second part will present several fundamental aspects of modern biology approached from the point of view of complex systems and mathematical modeling.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
EIU Dynamics Conference this Weekend
Charles Delman to Talk
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Konstantin Slutsky to Speak March 30th
In 1950, Mark Graev gave a construction of two-sided invariant metrics on free groups over metrics spaces. These metrics were later used in descriptive set theory to produce exotic Polish groups. We will describe a similar construction of metrics on free products (possibly with amalgamation) of groups with two-sided invariant metrics and discuss some applications. I will try to reduce preliminaries to minimum.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Update from Old Main
The department welcomes a new faculty member, Ravi Somayajulu, for the fall of 2012.
The College of Science will have a new Dean, Harold Ornes. Dean Ornes will start work in the college this upcoming summer. Dean Ornes is an aquatic botanist.
Professor Andrew Mertz gave a talk on Ipad/Ipod programming on February 24 and Professor Patrick Coulton and Professor Peter Andrews spoke on invisible objects on March 2nd.
The Department will host a Geometry/Topology Day on April 7th. Research mathematicians from across the mid-west will attend. See the department webpage link on the sidebar for more information.
The 55th annual Teaching of Mathematics Conference will be held on campus April 17, 2012. See Conference web page
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Professor Ionin to Speak Friday Feb. 10
Binary Representations of Regular Graphs
A spherical representation of a graph Γ in a metric space M is an injective map from the vertex set of Γ to a sphere in M; it is assumed that there exist d1 < d2 such that the distance between the images of any two distinct vertices is equal to d1 if the vertices are adjacent and it is equal to or d2 otherwise.
A particular case of M = Hn, the binary Hamming space of (0,1) strings of length n, sometimes yields a useful information about the graph Γ. The least n, for which such a representation is possible, is the binary spherical representation number of Γ, or bsr(Γ). I will show that if Γ is a connected regular graph, then bsr(Γ) ≥ |Γ| − m where m is the multiplicity of the least eigenvalue of Γ. The case of equality gives a characterization of an important class of strongly regular graphs that has been avoiding a good characterization for 60+ years.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Catherine Kruger Presents at AMS-MAA Conference
Back Bay Ballroom A, 2nd Floor, Sheraton in Boston Massachusetts.
The title of the talk was On Rosa-type labelings of directed graphs. Collaborators included Saad El-Zanati, Illinois State University and Jessica Klister, University of Wisconsin La Crosse.