A supertask is a countably infinite sequence of tasks to be performed in order, say
such that we first perform task T
1 and then task T
2 and so forth.
As an example one might consider the case of Zeno's Paradox where an arrow is shot at some target. The arrows first task is to complete the journey half way to the target. The second task is to complete the remaining journey half way to the target and so on.
Now consider the case of Jon Perez Laraudogoitia's beautiful supertask: There are a sequence of unit point mass balls stationary at x=1/2,x=1/4,x=1/8 and so on. A unit point mass at x=1 and time t=0 is moving with a velocity of 1 unit per second to the left (i.e. toward x=1/2).
We assume that there is an elastic collision at x=1/2 and so the moving ball is left stationary at x=1/2 and the ball at x=1/2 moves with velocity 1 unit per second in the direction of the ball at x=1/4. It is clear that at t=1 all the balls have been hit by the preceding ball.
Assuming that all the collisions are elastic and behave in exactly the same manner as the first collision, is there a ball that passes through x=0?